Improving Airflow Through Your Home

Plantation Shutters Melbourne

During the warmer months or when the weather is hot and humid, your home feels stuffy and uncomfortable. It is when you want to breathe fresh air or feel the cool breeze on your face while you work inside your home.

No matter how big your home is, if you don’t know how to let air freely from outside to inside, you can feel suffocated and irritated. Knowing how to improve airflow through your home will let you enjoy a warmer climate in a better way.

This blog will highlight a few tips on improving the airflow so that you can feel the outside freshness without allowing the environmental irritants and pollutants inside your home.

Install plantation shutters

The first thought you get when you feel stuffed is to open all the windows present in your home. While it’s the best way to let the outside air, you are also letting in a lot of heat, pollutants and bugs. Investing in proper window treatments will let you have control over the entry of light and air.

There are various types of window furnishings – from curtains to blinds and shutters. Each type has its own set of pros and cons in the view of privacy and light control. Of all types, plantation shutters are the best option. They can be adjusted and opened fully depending on the climate outside. You can install them at every window of your home to have maximum control over privacy and light and air control.

Use ceiling fans

The next best thing for improving air circulation is to use ceiling fans. Turn them on during the warmer or humid days so that you don’t feel suffocated inside your home. Though the air produced by ceiling fans is warmer and feels hot on your face, they get the air flowing throughout your home.

The ideal way to use ceiling fans is to run them all at your preferred speed and intensity. It helps your skin to cool off during the warmer climate.

Use exhaust fans

Exhaust fans are located in the bathrooms, laundry rooms and also in the kitchen. Run them as frequently as possible to remove the bad air from your house. Making sure the exhaust fans are efficient will help you bring cleaner air inside while effectively removing bad odours from your home.

If you are constructing a new home, make sure to include them wherever possible. Or if you are renovating, talk to your home builder about how to include one into the ceiling.

Invest in humidifiers and dehumidifiers

These are the devices that help to improve air quality inside your home depending on its condition. Use a humidifier to increase moisture level, especially when the doors and windows are kept closed for longer periods. It’s also best to use if you have people with asthmatic and sinus issues.

However, too much moisture inside the home can cause the growth of mould and mildew. It’s not only harmful but also drastically declines the air quality inside your home. So use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air.

Update your HVAC system

Home Air Conditioner

An air conditioner with a good filter condition will effectively improve the air quality inside your home. Make sure to add systems that include ventilation and in-duct filtration in your home. It will bring the fresh air from outside and make sure your home is optimally ventilated at all times. Though it’s a pricey option, it’s the most effective to feel airy and cool inside your home during the hotter months.

Use a portable air cleaner

If you don’t want to invest in a new HVAC system, then use a portable air cleaner. It’s a device that improves filtration inside your home by trapping the particles that you exhale when talking, singing, coughing or sneezing. When choosing an air cleaner, make sure to select the size depending on the area of your room. The bigger the rooms, the larger the air cleaner you need.


Everyone wants to feel fresh and energetic while staying inside the home. Improving air quality will have a positive impact on your mind and body. You can accomplish your routines and achieve goals without falling sick frequently due to allergens present in the air.

Also, read here: 6 Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable