Choosing the Right Pile Height for Your Turf

Artificial Turf

As the number of people who want artificial grass grows, so does the number of types of grass, suppliers, and ways to put it down. When looking for the best artificial turf, it's important to do your homework and compare products based on more than just how they look. Pile height is just one of the things that will affect how well your artificial grass works. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing the best pile height because it depends on the application and the amount of foot traffic. Every application has different needs, so there is no one "best pile height" that will work well in all situations.

What Is Pile Height?

Pile height is a measurement from the backing of the artificial turf to the end of the grass fibres. Pile height is generally measured in inches and it’s one of many factors that you’ll want to consider when selecting the right artificial grass for your lawn.

What Pile Height Should I Choose?

One of the many things that affect how your lawn looks and feels is the height of the piles. The final decision about pile height is up to you, and even though these are general rules, it's your yard!

Let’s Discuss some of the important factors that help you choose the right pile height for your turf.

Pile Height Will Affect the Aesthetics And Feel Of Your Lawn

Pile Height is measured in millimetres. It is the length of the fibre from the backing to the tip of the grass. Real grass has a lush look, so people often choose artificial grass with a longer pile height to get that look. The height of the pile can be anywhere from 10mm to about 80mm. But the highest and lowest pile heights are usually used for sports, while most home lawns have pile heights between 25mm and 45mm. You should also choose a pile height of between 30 and 37 mm. If you go any higher than this, the grass might look flat. This is because the longer the blade, the heavier it will be and the more likely it is that gravity will pull it down, making the grass look flat instead of full. The pile height you choose for your turf affects both how it looks and how well it works. It can affect how well something holds up, how it feels, and how it looks.

Longer Piles are Great for Aesthetic Purposes and Provide Cushioning

Longer piles look nice and give your property a lush look. They also give you more cushioning under your feet, which is great if you like to walk around barefoot.

Having a longer pile height is all about how it looks. If you care most about how it looks and feels, you'll probably want grass with a longer pile. Longer piles are great if you want:

  • You want a deep, lush look.

Longer pile heights provide a lush look and feel. If your lawn is mostly for looks and you don’t plan on hosting weekly soccer games, then a longer pile may suit your lawn. It provides a deep, lush look and is the furthest thing away from sports turf. Many people don’t want their lawns to look like a sports stadium.

  • You want a little more cushion underfoot.

Aesthetics aren’t the only reason to choose grass with a thicker pile. You might like how longer grasses feel when you walk on them. They typically have a softer, more enjoyable feeling on the undersides of your feet. If you enjoy going barefoot in the backyard, this might be the choice for you. It can also provide a little bit of cushion for kids, though if that’s a concern we’d recommend looking at our padding and play surface options.

Shorter Pile Height

Generally, shorter piles are better for yards that are going to see more wear and tear. It is best for:

  • You (or your pets) plan on utilising the area often.

If there will be a lot of people walking through the area, a shorter pile might be best. With a shorter pile, there is less flattening, which means less sweeping and less maintenance in general. Additionally, a shorter pile makes it simpler for people and dogs to get traction and prevent slides.

  • You plan on using the area for sports and events.

There is a reason why short grasses are used to make sports fields. They give you a better grip, and the shorter pile needs less upkeep. This also makes things like line markers stand out more.

  • You are concerned about wear and tear.

Even though all artificial grasses are very durable and last a long time, shorter pile grasses don't get as flat as quickly as longer pile grasses. Longer-pile grasses tend to get a little flatter as they get older.

Overall, you can use artificial grass in multiple ways. You just need to brainstorm a little using your imagination. Its durability and easy maintenance make it an ideal landscaping option for your backyard.