How to Improve Warehouse Air Quality

Ari Quality of Industrial Warehouse

The commitment of companies to sustainability and energy efficiency is, without a doubt, to bet on the thermal comfort of the facilities as well as to improve the quality of the air that the employees breathe and that, at the same time, affects the goods and products that house industrial buildings.

If there is no commitment to improving air quality, workers can begin to present effects that affect performance, such as headaches, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. For this reason, we want to give you some keys so that you can improve the quality of the air in your company's industrial warehouse and thus make your company a benchmark. Take note!

Tips to improve air quality in a warehouse

  • Identify factors that cause poor air quality

    Identifying which elements used in the construction of a logistics warehouse affect poor indoor air quality is important. Chemical emissions, production fumes, poor ventilation or air circulation, humidity or water leaks cause poor indoor air quality. It is also important to know if materials that favour the presence of CO2 or radon have been used in the building since they directly affect the air.

  • Keep the workplace clean

    To guarantee safety, it is key that the workplace is clean. For this reason, we recommend that you establish a routine so that workers are aware of the importance of cleaning and maintaining the facilities. In addition, it is essential to have a professional cleaning service and the right products to guarantee cleanliness and disinfection, since all this affects the quality of the air in the workspace.

  • Bet on the improved ventilation of the building

    Improved ventilation of a building is key to improving warehouse air quality and reducing indoor pollutants. In addition, as we have indicated previously, it is also fundamental for the health of the employees and the satisfaction of the team. Opting for improved ventilation implies that in the summer months when it is essential to reduce the accumulation of heat and humidity, the ventilation system performs this function.

    Likewise, the function is fulfilled in the winter months, in which it is important to monitor the levels of carbon monoxide to avoid poisoning since doors and windows are usually closed.

    Similarly, ventilation is also very important to eliminate fumes inside the industrial building caused by vehicles that run on gasoline, such as forklifts. These situations can be very dangerous without proper ventilation. So HVLS fans are great at keeping air circulating (while creating an optimal environment for workers and reducing the effects of humidity).

  • Install air cleaning devices

    Air cleaning devices are a great way to improve quality levels. Devices such as vacuum cleaners, air purifiers or air purifiers are essential to guarantee the quality of the air inside an industrial building.

  • Change air filters regularly

    Dirty air filters that are full of dust and debris reduce airflow and therefore maintenance is essential to prevent warehouse air quality problems. Thus, it is advisable to change filters 3 to 4 times a year and maintain a regular pattern. It is worth mentioning that the periodicity may vary according to environmental conditions. In this sense, if the facilities are intended for medical or telecommunications services, the HVAC filters should be replaced more frequently.

  • Install fans

    Airflow is very important in maintaining safe indoor air quality levels. Whether it's your ventilation, filters, or air conditioning and heating systems, keeping air moving is essential. An important way to help increase airflow to help all your other systems is with a fan - they move a ton of air and they do it quietly through a large slowly rotating design. In addition, they can draw fresh air from outside and mix it with the stale air in the warehouse to create a better environment.

  • Regulate temperature and humidity

    As we mentioned before, controlling temperature and humidity levels to make sure they don't affect products or machinery is very important. It is worth mentioning that humidity can be a breeding ground for air pollutants such as mould and dust mites.


To ensure that the levels are adequate, proper ventilation of the space is essential. A good warehouse will keep the interiors safe and durable as well.