10 Easy Ways to Save Energy at Home

With the urgent need to minimise the effects of climate change, it’s important to be energy efficient. Using less energy for everyday tasks at home won’t just help save the environment though, you can also save money. It can be hard to know where to start though, which is why we’ve put together this list of 10 easy ways you can start saving energy at home.

  • Turn devices and appliances off at the wall

Even though you may not be using a device, it can still be using power. Many devices and appliances, like TVs and computers, need to be switched off at the wall to avoid this issue. Make an effort to turn any device or appliance off at the wall unless you’re using it.

  • Tint the windows of your home

Window Tinting

Window tinting can reduce solar gain and keep your home at a more consistent temperature. With a more consistent temperature, you’ll find yourself needing to use heating and cooling systems, like air conditioning, less often. These systems are big culprits for using up lots of power in the home, so get your windows tinted to try and minimise your need for these systems.

  • Upgrade to energy-efficient options

While it can be expensive in the short-term to upgrade your devices to energy-efficient models, you’ll see the savings in the long term. Look for models that have a high energy star rating. Take the time to do your research to find a model that suits your needs and doesn’t consume excessive amounts of power.

  • Use energy-saving bulbs

A simple way to save energy at home is to change your lightbulbs. Traditional light bulbs can’t compete with modern LED bulbs. LED, and other energy-saving bulbs like halogen and compact fluorescent lights, use 25–85% less energy than traditional bulbs. And while they may be more expensive to purchase, the last 3 to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. They might be expensive initially, but they will pay themselves off in the long run.

  • Switch off lights when not in the room

Sometimes, changes to simple day-to-day behaviours are all that’s needed to conserve energy. Generally, lighting accounts for approximately 12% of the average power bill. So, remembering to turn off the lights when you leave a room can have a big difference. This is a particularly important change to make if you aren’t using energy-saving light bulbs.

  • Use economy settings on appliances

Many modern appliances, like dishwashers and washing machines, now come with eco-friendly settings. Use these settings whenever possible to reduce the power and other resources needed, like water, when you use these appliances.

  • Use a clothesline rather than the dryer

While using a dryer may be faster, opting for a clothesline is a more energy-efficient way to dry your clothes. Make use of the free energy from the sun and avoid adding to your power bill. You also won’t run the risk of shrinking your clothes in a too-hot dryer.

  • Take shorter and colder showers

It’s important to shower regularly to maintain good personal hygiene, but you don’t need a long shower. A typical shower uses approximately 15–20 litres of water a minute. This can add up quickly if you like a long shower, so try to cut your shower short by even a few minutes so save water. 

Additionally, it takes energy to heat up water. Therefore, when you have a hot shower, you’re also using power. Therefore, to reduce your power bills and energy consumption, opt for a slightly colder shower.

And to make your shower as energy-efficient as possible, don’t forget to install a water-saving showerhead.

  • Shut doors when heating or cooling a room

If you do need to use a heater or air conditioner, make it more effective by heating or cooling a smaller space. Heating or cooling rooms you aren’t in only serves to waste energy, so remember to shut doors and windows to make sure your systems can work as effectively as possible.

  • Run washing machine or dishwasher on a full load

Improve your appliance’s energy efficiency by ensuring you only use them for full loads. For instance, only run the dishwasher or washing machine if they are full. This makes the most of the resources needed, like water and power.

If possible, also use cold water settings. As it takes power to heat water, a cold-water wash is more energy efficient.

Final words

It’s important we all do our bit to reduce carbon emissions and live more energy-efficient lives. Try the above 10 easy ways to save power at home and see just how simple it is.