How to Frost Your Windows

Window Frosting

Adding a valuable protective layer to your windows to can mean a host of benefits, including increased privacy and reduced UV rays. It’s simple to frost your windows and get a great result. Read on to find out about the four methods for window frosting, so you can improve your windows today. 

Method 1: Window film

Step 1: Gather your tools and materials

Before you start any work, you’ll need all your equipment to hand. Make sure you have:

  • Window film
  • Scissors or boxcutter
  • Spray bottle with a mixture of water and dishwashing detergent
  • Measuring tape
  • Dish detergent
  • Squeegee

Step 2: Take measurements

To avoid overlapping with the window frame or not covering the window entirely, you need to cut the correct amount of film. Therefore, you need to take measurements of the area you want to cover. Use your measuring tape to do so.

It can be a good idea to wash and dry your hands before doing this as dirt and oil can transfer onto the glass otherwise. When you apply the film, this dirt and oil will be trapped and can ruin the aesthetic of the film and window.

Step 3: Cut the film to size

Now you have your measurements, you’re ready to start cutting. Begin by rolling out the film on a flat surface, like the floor or a table. Using a pencil, mark out the measurements you recorded. Connect these marks with lines drawn with a ruler. This gives you a clear-cutting guideline.

Carefully, use scissors or a box cutter to cut the film. Try to keep it straight. If you’re using a box cutter or knife, make sure that there is something under the film as you cut, otherwise, you may score the surface below and ruin your floor or table.

Step 4: Wash the glass

Make sure your glass is clean before you add the film layer. This can help the film stick better, as well as avoid any nasty stains or marks that you can’t remove once the film is up. Spray a mixture of water and detergent onto the glass and rub thoroughly. Don’t let the window dry though.

Step 5: Apply the film

With the window clean and the film cut, you can now frost your window. Remove the protective backing from the film and apply the film to the wet glass as this makes it easier to adjust where it sits. Use your squeegee to slowly push any liquid or air bubbles out from under the film. It’s best to work from the middle outwards.

If you ever want to remove the frosting, you can scrape it off.

Method 2: Acrylic glaze

Step 1: Gather your tools and materials

For this method, you will need the following: 

  • Foam brush
  • Untinted or clear acrylic glaze

Step 2: Apply the glaze to the window

Using your foam brush, apply the glaze in a crisscross fashion or in straight lines. Let the glaze dry before you apply a second coat.

If you ever want to remove the frosting, you can wash and scrape it off.

Method 3: Shelf liner

Step 1: Gather your tools and materials

For this method you’ll need:

  • Sponge
  • A mixture of water and dishwashing detergent
  • Measuring tape
  • Self-adhesive shelf liner
  • Box cutter or scissors
  • Squeegee

Step 2: Take measurements

Using your measuring tape, measure the size of the area you want to frost. 

Step 3: Wash the glass

Dip your sponge into the mixture of water and dishwashing detergent to clean your glass. This helps the adhesive stick better, as well as ensures your glass is clean before you put the adhesive up so you won’t be stuck with marks you can’t get to.

Give the glass time to dry before moving onto the next step. Use a squeegee to avoid streaks on the glass.

Step 4: Cut shelf liner

Using the measurements, you took earlier, cut the shelf liner to fit the window. Lie your liner out flat and use a pencil to mark in guidelines to cut along to ensure that the shelf liner will snugly fit. Be careful as you use your scissors or box cutters to not injure yourself or cut anything under the shelf liner.

Step 5: Apply shelf liner

Remove the protective backing sheet from the shelf liner and begin applying it to the upper corner of the glass. As you lay the sheet down, use a squeegee to make sure the shelf liner sits flat to the window. Take care to remove any wrinkles or air bubbles.

If you ever want to remove the frosting, you can scrape it off.

Method 4: Etching

Step 1: Gather your tools and materials

For this method, you will need the following materials. 

  • Bristle brush
  • Glass etching cream
  • Window cleaning solution
  • Squeegee

Step 2: Wash glass 

Use a window cleaning solution to do wash the glass and follow the instructions on the product. Afterwards, use a squeegee to avoid streaks on the glass. A clean window can mean better etching results.

Step 3: Scrub cream into the glass

Apply the cream to the glass as directed by the packaging. Use a bristle brush to scrub the cream into the glass. This will etch the glass.

Leave the cream to dry on the window as directed by the manufacturer.

Step 4: Rinse the cream off

After the appropriate amount of time, you can rinse the cream off your window. Your window should now be frosted.

Remember, this is a permanent frosting solution and cannot be undone.


As you can see, there are lots of ways to frost your window. One option may be more suitable for what you have in mind than another.