Top 10 Places for Germs in Your Office

Office Cleaning

A clean and sanitised office is not only a safe place to work but also shows that your business is professional and values its employees’ wellbeing. The place where we spend a large part of our time should be free of harmful germs so that we can enjoy our time at home. must be free of germs so that an employee enjoys good health. However, even with regular office cleaning, there are certain locations and spots where bacteria and germs can thrive. 

Often, these places are hard to keep free from germs. However, you can help reduce the spread of germs in your office by being careful when interacting with these areas, as well as maintaining good personal hygiene. 

  1. Computers 

Few offices can function without computers. And because you need to use your hands to operate them, they are one of the most likely places you’ll find harmful germs. 

To minimise germs on your computer, particularly the mouse and keyboard, wash your hands regularly throughout the day with soap and warm water. You can also sanitise your hands and your computer regularly. Make it part of your regular routine to wipe down your keyboard and mouse at least once a week. 

Avoid using other people’s computers and limit use of your computer to just yourself if possible to cut down the spread of germs in your office. 

  1. Telephone 

Office telephones are usually shared by different people. This, unfortunately, increases the chances of spreading germs, particularly as people will be touching the phone with their hands and saliva particles may even land on the handset. 

While you cannot make your office telephone 100% free from germs, you can reduce how many germs there are and prevent them from spreading. For instance, try to limit how many people use each telephone. Encourage everyone to wash their hands before using the phone and to wipe it down regularly too. 

  1. Stationery 

Stationery like pens, pencils and paper are common items in offices. They’re often shared or handed around, and as a result, are an easy way for viruses and germs to be spread around an office. 

To avoid spreading germs via stationery, avoid using other people’s pens and paper if possible. Try to share notes digitally rather than physically. Avoid chewing on pencils and pens as well as many germs can be spread by human saliva. Maintaining good personal hygiene can also make a difference, so remember to wash your hands throughout the day to prevent how many germs end up on your stationery. 

  1. Door handles 

While it’s often impossible to avoid touching door handles, they are one of the most likely places to find germs in an office. 

Where possible open doors without touching the handle, like pushing them open with a shoulder or foot. If you do have to touch a handle, wash your hands afterwards to ensure that you do not spread germs around. Encourage other workers in your office to do the same. 

  1. Lift buttons 

As with door handles, lift buttons can be difficult to avoid touching. A simple way to avoid them, however, is to use the stairs rather than the lift. An added benefit of this is you’ll get incidental exercise throughout your workday. 

However, if you do need to use the lift, there are some precautions you can take. For instance, you can try pressing the button with your elbow rather than a finger. If this isn’t possible, press the button as normal but remember to wash your hands as soon as possible afterwards. 

  1. Railings 

Railings in offices are touched by multiple people throughout the day. As a result, railings are a prime spot for germs to breed and to be transferred to others. As with handles and lift buttons, avoid touching them if you can. If you can’t, wash your hands immediately afterwards. 

  1. Bathroom taps 

Bathroom taps are another spot where you can expect to find germs in high numbers. Ensure when you wash your hands in the bathroom, you do it thoroughly to avoid picking up these germs. You can also wash your hands and then sanitise them too for added protection. 

  1. Kitchen appliances 

Office kitchen appliances can be neglected during a daily clean. Benches and other surfaces might be sanitised but the fridge door or microwave buttons may be skipped. This makes them prime spaces for germs to collect and multiple people will interact with these appliances during the day. 

If possible, avoid using these appliances entirely. Bring your own food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated or microwaved. Otherwise, remember to wash your hands after touching these appliances and before you touch any food. 

  1. Dishes and cutlery 

In many office kitchens, dirty cutlery and dishes may sit in the sink for hours and even days. Bacteria can quickly grow in these conditions and make people ill. 

To avoid getting sick, use your own cutlery and utensils if possible. If you did need to use shared items, wash them thoroughly beforehand and ensure they go in the dishwasher after use. 

  1. Vending machine 

Like kitchen appliances, vending machines aren’t always cleaned and people regularly touch them with their fingers. Bacteria can be transferred this way. Particularly since coins and notes can carry bacteria also. 

If you want something from the vending machine, use card rather than coins or cash. You’re your hands after using the machine too and before eating your snack. 


Office environments can be a breeding ground for germs, bacteria and viruses. While regular cleaning and sanitising will help manage this, there are steps you can take too. Remember to wash your hands regularly and avoid interacting with danger areas when possible. Also, if you feel unwell, stay home to avoid spreading illness to your coworkers.