How to Clean Oriental and Persian Rugs

Persian Rugs

Expensive Oriental and Persian rugs can add a touch of elegance to your home while making it more comfortable. However, if these rugs are in a high-traffic area, they can quickly get dirty. These rugs need to be cleaned regularly otherwise they won’t look as good and will create a different atmosphere in your home. But it’s important to know how to correctly clean these expensive rugs, otherwise, you may ruin them and waste your money.

Benefits of rugs cleaning:

When you regularly clean your Oriental and Persian rugs, you aren’t just keeping them nice. Did you know that a rug that is well-cared for, including regularly cleaned will last longer? A quality rug can last anywhere from 20 to 100 years. 

With such a long life, cleaning your rug regularly means you’re getting excellent value for money. 

How to clean your rugs

  • Vacuuming is the key

As you may expect, when it comes to quality carpet cleaning, you need to get out the vacuum. This will help remove dirt, dust, and pet hair from your rugs. To get the job done properly though, you should vacuum both sides three times.

But before you get started, there are three important things to know. Firstly, you should not use a vacuum cleaner on rug fringes as the threads can get tangled. Secondly, move in the direction of rug fibres to avoid pulling them out. Finally, use an upholstery attachment and turn off the beater bar for a gentler but just as effective clean.

  • Shake it off

If you don’t have time to vacuum, you can quickly clean your Persian and Oriental rugs by shaking them off. You may need some help to do this. 

Be gentle as you do this and avoid beating your rug. Otherwise, you may cause some serious wear and tear to these expensive carpets.

  • Spot clean when a spill happens

If something should ever spill on your fine rug, don’t worry but you do need to act fast. You need to immediately spot clean to avoid stains. 

The steps of spot cleaning are easy. Whenever any spill occurs, blot up the liquid with paper towels or sponge. After that, use a damp rag to absorb the stain with warm water. Don’t rub at the carpet as this can push the stain further in and damage the fibres of the rug.

  • Deep cleaning

While deep cleaning is a job most leave to professional cleaners, you can do it yourself if you want to be in control of this important task.

    • Vacuum it: Start by vacuuming the rug as you normally would.
    • Make a cleaning solution: Using a specialist rug shampoo, mix up a cleaning solution with warm water. Follow the instructions on the bottle. 
    • Scrub: Use a sponge and gently scrub the fibres of your rug. If you haven’t used this shampoo before, test the solution on an inconspicuous spot to see how it works. Some products may cause colours to fade, for instance.
    • Rinse and squeeze: After scrubbing, you need to rinse your rugs properly. You can use a light hose to do this. Remove excess water with a squeegee.
    • Dry rug: Allow your carpets to dry to avoid mildew. To quicken the drying process, you can use also use a fan. However, don’t place them under direct sunlight. Otherwise, it can cause damage to your rug, like fading.

How often should you clean your rugs?

Carpet Cleaning
Typically, your rugs need a deep clean once a year. We highly recommend you get the help of professionals to do this. They have both the specialist cleaning equipment and training to reliably get the job done well and fast.

Apart from deep cleaning, you have to vacuum your rugs at least every two weeks. They may need more frequent vacuuming if they’re in a high-foot traffic area.


Make the most of your investment in a quality Persian or Oriental rug. With careful cleaning and good general maintenance, you can expect years, if not decades, of use out of your rug. Follow the steps above for vacuuming and spot cleaning, so your rug will also stay looking and smelling great and bring a touch of class and elegance to your home.